Live blog of virtual tech events during COVID-19

Live blog of virtual tech events during COVID-19

In this unprecedented time, events and conferences have been turned upside down and disrupted the norms of social gathering of like-minded individuals. It’s been over a month since the lockdown, and folks are starting to get a handle on virtual events. Since that first announcement by our Taoiseach, I have kept a live blog post over at of the virtual tech events (especially the Irish ones), any call to actions, major announcements from grass-root tech communities.

As with all my messaging to folks, if I’m missing an event, call to actions, opportunities, do let me know.

Here’s the live blog: <- Archived

[UPDATE] Due to the number of events since March to end of May, I created another live blog post for June. The initial blog post was getting very, very long!

Testing feed from with embed

The Diversity in Tech Community in Dublin &amp; Ireland

The Diversity in Tech Community in Dublin & Ireland